VRCS - automatic conversion to stablecoins

Conversion of incoming funds in 0xProcessing is possible only through VRCS.

If you deposit BTC, DASH, DOGE, BCH, ETH, LTC, XRP, TRX, BNB, ETH (BEP20), ADA (BEP20), AVAX, MATIC It is possible to convert it into one of the selected stablecoins:

USDT (ERC20, TRC20, BEP20)

Minimum conversion amount is 10 USD - for each currency individually. If necessary Merchants can increase this limit. If received funds are less than minimum amount, conversion will be completed upon receiving more funds sufficient to pass minimum amount level.

The minimum amount of conversion from VRCS balance to Merchant's balance is 100 USDT. This limit is set in the Merchant account settings and as soon as this limit is reached the funds are transferred from VRCS balance to the main balance in the selected stablecoin.

Funds can be converted to stablecoins only before they deposited to Merchant's wallet - once they deposited not as stablecoins they should be withdrawn first in order to convert them to stablecoins.

Activate VRCS

VRCS can be activated by filling form at Settings/ Currency management/ Enable VRCS or by contacting Support Team. (menu Settings/ Currency management/ Enable VRCS). Check here for more details

If VRCS is not enabled your funds are not protected against cryptocurrencies volatility.

Last updated