
Troubleshoot common errors in crypto payment gateway integrations, with clear solutions to ensure smooth and uninterrupted operations.

IncorrectModel - Incorrect request model (also occurs if an incorrect Merchant ID is passed)

MerchantIdRequired - Merchant ID not specified

Incorrect amount - The request doesn't contain the amount or contains an error

404 - The resource is not available, check your internet connection and if the endpoint is correct

429 Too many requests - exceeded number of requests from the same IP address or user within a certain period of time

UnsupportedCurrency - Unsupported currency

InvalidUrl - URL is specified incorrectly or there is no http

ActivationRequired - Merchant activation required

EmailRequired - Email required

InvalidEmail - Invalid email

InvalidBillingIdLength - Billing ID is too long, no more than 100 characters

InvalidClientIdLength - Client ID is too long, no more than 100 characters

UnavailableCoin - The coin is unavailable for payment

ClientBlocked - This client is blocked on 0xProcessing

InsufficientBalance - There’s no liquidity to withdraw in this currency

InvalidDT - Invalid destination tag

InvalidAddress - Invalid wallet address

InsufficientBalanceForPayFee - Insufficient balance to pay for the commission

ExternalIdIsAlreadyUse - This External ID is already used for withdrawal

InvalidAgentId - Invalid Agent ID

InvalidClientId - Invalid Client ID

WalletIsAlreadyExist - This wallet already exists

Last updated