Payment form with fixed amount
Amount of this payment cannot be changed by Client (but Merchant could provide options). Payment is considered paid when received amount is more of equal to payment amount, otherwise payment will be unsuccessful and will be awaiting for Merchant's confirmation.
Content Type: x-www-form-urluncoded, form-data
Request type: POST
Name | Description | Type |
Amount | Payment amount in cryptocurrency. Optional parameter if AmountUsd is passed | Double |
AmountUSD | Payment amount in USD (equivalent). Optional parameter if Amount is passed | Double |
Currency (Required field) | Payment currency Values | String |
Email (Required field) | Client's e-mail | String |
FirstName | Client's first name | String |
LastName | Client's last name | String |
ClientId (Required field) | Unique identifier of the user in the system from which the payment is made (e.g. client's id on your website) | String |
MerchantId (Required field) | Unique Merchant ID in the system 0xProcessing | String |
BillingID | Unique payment identifier in the system from which the payment is made | String |
Test | It indicates whether the payment will be a test payment. This parameter is optional and should only be used for testing of callbacks. In order to use this parameter, you have to be logged into the Merchant account. If authorization has been passed and the request is sent with Test=true, you will see three buttons on the payment form "Confirm payment", "Cancel payment","Insufficient", by clicking on which your WebhookUrl will receive corresponding callbacks. The total number of attempts sent is 30, and the interval between attempts is 15 seconds. Test payments are not displayed in your shop and are not counted | Boolean |
ReturnUrl | If ReturnUrl = true, you will receive a payment form as a RedirectURL, which you can set as an iFrame on your side | Boolean |
CancelUrl | The address to which the Cancel button will be redirected from the payment form. The address must support SSL | String |
SuccessUrl | The address to which the Back to website button will be redirected from the payment form. The address must support SSL | String |
AutoReturn | True if the user needs to be automatically redirected from the form to SuccessUrl after confirming the transactions in the blockchain | Boolean |
Example request:
Reply- in response to the above mandatory parameters, sent to, a payment form will be generated and shown to the payer to make the payment.
An example of the response when ReturnUrl = true:
The deposits report can be implemented by means of webhooks or by checking of payment status.
WebhooksLast updated