Payment form with fixed amount

Webhook Respond

The deposits report is implemented by means of webhooks.

For more information on setting up Webhooks, see Setting up Webhooks.

Set the Webhook URL in the menu Merchant\Classic processing\WebhookURL to receive a callback about payment status. Required https (TLS/SSL)

Webhook password - password required to verify the payment signature

Webhook URL - the address in the system from which the payment is made. This address will be used to send updates on the status of payments:

Request method: POST

Response Type: JSON


Signature check:

1. A string of the following form must be generated: "PaymentId":"MerchantID":"Email":"Currency":"Password" (WebhookURL link password)

Without quotation marks through a colon. Example: (ERC20):qwerty

2. Encrypt the resulting string using the MD5 algorithm

3. Compare the resulting string with the one that came through Webhook


4. If the strings are the same, return HTTP Status 200 (Required). Our server expects a response to the webhook within a 3-second timeout period. If the response is not received within these 3 seconds, the system considers the delivery failed.

If the callback is not delivered successfully, the system repeats at 31 times with an interval of 15 seconds. If the webhook still fails to be delivered, the system sends a notification to the merchant's account email indicating a problem with the WebhookURL.

Example Webhook JSON:

                        "ClientId": "1000",

When processing callbacks, you MUST use the PaymentId parameter from the callback 0xProcessing as an additional validation factor.

Last updated